가장 많이 본 글

2015년 5월 7일 목요일

몽골에서 일어난일로 하나님의교회를 찾다. - YouTube

THE CHURCH OF GOD(WMSCOG) IS SPREADING OUT IN 175 COUNTRIES IN THE WORLD - YouTube: "In the report regarding the Church of God(World Mission Society Church of God), which was released in the 052/667 issue, all accounts about the time-limited eschatology, forcing to believe, evangelical work, and its leaders were found to be false and groundless. We deeply apologize for failing to ascertain whether a mendacious statement of slandering the Church of God was true or not before publishing it.
To correct this oversight, we visited the Church of God and the pastor who resides in Mongolia. The following is an interview with him."

'via Blog this'

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사실을 보도하기 위하여 몽골 하나님의교회를 방문한 이후 하나님의교회에 대하여 알리는 내용입니다.

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